Pcomp Final: Logistics

I’m excited to be moving forward with the wearable pulse transmitter for my pcomp project. The idea has grown into a larger collaboration with Aaron Parsekian and Danielle Butler. The three of us will be collaborating on the physical computing components. Aaron and I will be collaborating on the ICM components. Here’s a link to the project outline. Here’s a link to the tag on my blog for this project.

Initial Concepts

This week we spent some time fleshing ideas out on paper.

Our first attempt at putting ideas to paper.
Our first attempt at putting ideas to paper.
A more fleshed out plan of what we imagine building.
A more fleshed out plan of what we imagine building.

Initial Schematics, Timeline, BOM

Then we started thinking about how to turn ideas into reality.

Our current schematic.
Our current schematic.
Our block diagram.
Our block diagram.

We created a timeline and started a BOM on Google Docs. Here’s the link.


  • How do we make projection impactful but still portable?
  • How literal does translation of vitals need to be to be effective?
  • Does translation of vitals and not movement get confusing?